Decor and More Yard Sale
You can participate in this yard sale in a couple of ways: donate your gently used items on October 5 and 6 or November 16 and 17 after 10am . Use North Grove entrance.
Come to the Sale on November 23. Doors open at 9am. The day’s events include a Bake Sale.
Trunk or Treat
Enjoy a safe, fun, treat experience in the parking lot of East Aurora Christian Church. Come in costume and get goodies from the many stops in the lot.
Bible Study on the Psalms
The Psalms, often called the “song/prayer book of the Bible”, offer a rich tapestry of emotions and experiences. Pastor Jan will lead us as we explore themes of praise, lament, thanksgiving and more. We will meet August 14, 21, and 28th. Each session “stands” on its own.
Vacation Bible School
Imagine! Build! Discover! Our VBS theme is Kingdom Crafters! The dates are August 5, 6, and 7 from 6:30pm-8pm. This is program is for Preschool age through 6th grade. Please call the church office 716-652-5040 to register for this exciting hour (and a half) of power!
Blessing Bouquets on Sundays in August
Beginning August 4 at 11am, free kindness bouquets are available to Sunday pedestrians on Main St. in front of the church. May these flowers be a blessing to you from God!

The 2nd Annual EACC Garage Sale
Enjoy picking out many a treasure at the right price and choosing some baked goods that are “oooh it is so good”.

Donation Day #2 for Garage Sale
Any items in this picture will be gratefully appreciated!

Donation Day #1 for Garage Sale
Any items in this picture will be gratefully appreciated!
The Cinco de Mayo Uno Tournament
Come and enjoy a taco bar plus playing UNO. Uno is an easy card game to learn and once learned , we will start the tourney. This event is for all ages. So come and enjoy this fun event. Cash donations will be accepted and appreciated.
Worship Focus for April: WATER
Each Sunday in April at 10am , our worship will focus on a aspect of the gift of water. From its creation by God to its healing properties for individuals to the healing of the nations, we will reflect on the importance of water for all God’s creation. We hope you will join us for this special series.
April's Outreach Project: Food Back Packs for kids
During April, we are collecting food stuffs for kids from Parkdale School. From peanut butter to granola bars to individual cereal boxes to 100% juice boxes and more, we will fill bags to kids in need. A more detailed list is available. Contact Pastor Jan—jmahle54@gmail.com.
Or you can donate to this outreach project using this website’s button DONATE NOW.
THE WALK: An Interactive experience of the way of the Cross
Come walk, THE WALK with East Aurora Churches Together . We will meet at St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church, 374 Main Street. Parking off of Maple Street or behind Revive Wesleyan Church.
Our Upper Room
On Holy Thursday, we will gather, as did the disciples, to share in conversation and partaking of bread and juice. We will meet in the narthex outside the sanctuary.
Pray for Peace Candlelight Vigil
Our prayers for peace on this World Day of Prayer continue at 7pm with a candlelight vigil. The Candlelight Vigil will be held in the Meditation Garden on the North Grove side of the church. Please join us as we continue to pray for peace in our world.

World Day of Prayer
East Aurora Christian Church is hosting the annual World Day of Prayer on March 1 at 10:30am. The service was written by Palestinian Christian Women. They chose the theme “I beg you…bear with one another in love.” Ephesians 4: 1-3.
2024 Lenten Journey
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. This holy time extends to Easter, March 31. It is a time of strengthening your connection with God. Our primary Scripture during Lent is John 11 and the theme I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. There will be a Maundy Thursday service. during Holy Week.
Blanket the World with Love in February
Imagine the possibilities of your compassion when you give generously to the Church World Service Blanket offering in February. Join other generous donors and provide comfort and warmth to our neighbors in need. Only $10 for a wool or fleece blanket!
Indoor Yard Sale: More Decor than we can Store
Do you need a little Christmas, right this very minute? You will certainly find holiday decor to get you in the spirit. Also we will have a bake sale: bread, cut out sugar cookies ready to decorate and other yummy treats.
An Intergenerational Worship Experience: The Fall Festival
Come one and Come all to this experience of worship. This will be a fast moving, inspirational time focused on the blessings of Autumn.
Scarves for those in Need October - December 1
Learn how to knit a scarf for someone in need. Donations will be given to Friends of night People and St. Luke’s Mission. This project is 7 weeks long.
Personal Prayer Time
Be still and know God! Prayer prompts and a video about the Lord’s prayer will assist you as you pray in our beautiful sanctuary on Sunday morning. Come whenever you can in those 2 hours.
Reunion and Revival for our 180th Anniversary
Celebrate the Holy Spirit moving among us! We are still in God’s Hands!